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Parish Life


(Young Adults Ministry)


Are you in your 20's or 30's and looking to connect with other Catholic, young adults in the area? The Young Adult Ministry meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.


Email YAM

to join our email list.  

"Would you enjoy faith opportunities to learn more about the deeper meaning behind the “rules of religion.”  The next generation of church leaders is learning in our schools today and it is commitment to provide students with ways to understand.  Catholicism 101 classes, retreats, bible studies, and prayer groups are some of the many ways students may nurture their faith in Christ."

Blessed is She Women's Group

The ministry for all women of the parish to grow together through pray and fellowship. We meet for small group studies, rosary home dinners for the whole family, liturgical season prayer journal groups, book club, and also serve the women of this parish through mother’s blessings and meals for new mothers.

For more information, or to be added to the mailing list..




Bereavement Receptions

(Sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women)


Receptions are provided after funerals, upon request. We will provide: all paper products, drinks, tablecloths, labor to set-up, serve and clean-up. Volunteers are needed to purchase and/or prepare food.



Michelle Baughman

Tuesday Morning Scripture Study

Meets weekly in the church library from 10:30am – 12pm. They study all things Catholic; books of the bible, writings of the Popes, writings of saints, and much more. All are welcome.



Frank Viscomi


Thursday Morning Scripture Study

Meets weekly in the church library from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. They study all things Catholic, including: books of the bible, writings of the Popes, writings of saints, and more. All are welcome.



Carol Miller



The Cursillo is a Lay Catholic movement that takes its name from Cursillos in Cristiandad, Spanish for “short courses in Christianity.” The Cursillo is an opportunity to examine and celebrate yourself, your relationship with Christ, and your relationship with the Christian community. The joy of knowing Christ is such that it produces the desire to introduce others to Christ. This is the perfect opportunity to refresh one’s soul! 



Karen & Roy Norville


Building & Grounds

Our Parish always welcomes voluntary loving and caring for the property, that's why if you are able to assist in snow removal and/or any landscaping work, contact our Parish office. We are always wanting to make sure parishioners, as well as guests, are safe and feel welcomed!



Warren Little


Messengers of St. John Vianney

An anonymous group of Parishioners who commit to daily prayer and on special occasions will treat the Parish Priests to show their gratitude. Messengers' identities are kept from Priests; communications via email.


Please contact the office if you wish to join this ministry.


Council of Catholic Women

This organization is open to all the ladies of Blessed Sacrament. They provide financial support for unfunded parish needs, serve the parish and its various ministries with their time and talents, and provide fellowship for their members. They meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, in the church basement.



Carol Miller


Grupo Kerygma
& Alabanza


Ven te invitamos al grupo Kerygma, es por medio de cantos, oraciones y reflexiones. Nos reunimos las tardes de los domingos de 6pm-8pm en Johnston Hall.



Salvador Portillo



Parents should contact the office by phone or email, six months before the desired date for the blessing. 

The Quinceañeras are required to go through three classes and a retreat. They must have already received First Communion and be registered to receive religious education classes to prepare for their Confirmation.

Please contact the office to register for classes.




Los padres deben comunicarse con la oficina seis meses antes de la fecha deseada para la bendición. Las Quinceañeras deben asistir a tres clases y un retiro. Ya deben haber recibido la Primera Comunión y estar registradas para recibir clases de educación religiosa para prepararse para su Confirmación

Comuníquese con la oficina para registrarse en las clases.

Comité Hispano de Planificación | Hispanic Planning Committee

Meetings occur during the year to plan and execute the Parish's Hispanic Fiesta, Our Lady of Guadalupe festivities, and other Hispanic events, where this committee is the main organizer.




Las reuniones ocurren durante el año para planificar y ejecutar la Fiesta Hispana de la parroquia, las festividades de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y otros eventos hispanos donde este comité es el organizador principal.



Alicia Bravo

(después de la Misa en español)

Historia de La Salvación

(Cursos de Estudio Bíblico)


Estos cursos/estudio Bíblico son para aquellos que quieran una vida en el espíritu, orar evangelizando y evangelizar con los sacramentos. Para comprender las profundas verdades que nos enseña la Biblia y el Catecismo Católico, solo necesitamos apertura de corazón. El propósito de los curos es: evangelizar a los laicos para evangelizar con los laicos.

No es un estudio difícil, reservado a los más intelectuales, sino fácil y accesible a todos, hasta para los que no saben leer.

Se reúnen todos los martes, en Johnston Hall – salón #1



Yesenia Jimenez


Pequeño Grupo de Formación de Fe del Adulto (FFA)

Trece micro espacios (talleres), que nos acercan al Misterio de la Eucaristía, nos descubren las claves de este Sacramento y nos ilustran sobre diversos aspectos del cristianismo. Aspectos que se vinculan íntimamente al hecho milagroso de que Jesucristo se haga presente a diario en la celebración eucarística.

Se reúnen los segundos viernes del mes, en Johnston Hall, a las 6:45pm.



Kenia Aguilar



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