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Rite of Christian Initiation


Sacramental Preparation

What is Sacramental Preparation?
The preparation by the Church along with the family to guide a child or teen to grow deeper in
their faith and grow closer to Christ by receiving the grace of a Sacrament or Sacraments.
The varying programs we offer are:




Rite of Christian Initiation for Children of Catechetical Age. Assists children (ages 7-17) who
have not been baptized or have been baptized in other Christian denominations but wish to enter
the Roman Catholic Church. It is a 2-year program, with both years requiring good attendance in
our Religious Education programs. In addition, the second year also includes a class that helps
children and teens learn more about the Catholic Church and deepen their own faith. The
Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) are received at the Easter Vigil
or during the Easter season. CHICCA classes usually meet 2 Tuesday evenings a month (6:30-7:45)
**Team members are always welcome in helping to prepare our elementary, middle
and high schoolers for these beautiful sacraments. Ability to speak Spanish is a 



Assists adults (18 years old and older) who are not baptized, who have been baptized in other
Christian denominations, and who have been baptized Catholic but are unfamiliar with the
Catholic faith and seeking to receive First Communion/Confirmation.

The program begins each fall, and includes weekly sessions on Tuesdays that
include instruction, prayer and scripture study, retreats, blessings and prayer experiences. 
Candidates are received into the Church with Sacraments on Easter Sunday or Pentecost Sunday.


Team members are

needed in a number of roles, including catechists, hospitality providers and prayer leaders.
Training is available. Sponsors are needed to accompany candidates through the process as
resources and representatives of the parish. Sponsors should be fully initiated (Confirmed),
practicing Catholics in good standing in the Church. 


Confirmation Class
Children must be at least 15 years old for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Children must attend the Youth Group program apart from the Confirmation classes. Confirmation Mass will be celebrated within Lent or Easter time. The date will not be available until the Bishop has programmed it.



First Communion Prep (I and II)
A baptized child/teen must be 7 or older to prepare to receive two sacraments in this program. In
Part I, they will prepare for their First Reconciliation (confession). In Part II they will prepare for
their First Communion. Child/Teen must attend religious education apart from this program.

Sacramental preparation classes consist of a total of 8 classes that are completed by the
end of the school year. Some 
parent/student preparation is also required at home.

A parent information meeting will be offered in in the fall and is required in order for the child/teen to attend these classes (separate from the Religious Education parent meeting).
Book fee is $40 (2 workbooks to complete at home), which will be due at the parent meeting.
If you would like your child to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion, please
register your child for Religious Education classes by July 31st. In order to be eligible for
reception of these Sacraments…

  • your child must be baptized* and at least 7 years-old

  • you must provide certificate as proof of the child’s baptism (provided at time of registration). If baptized at Blessed Sacrament please provide a copy of the certificate or the date on which they were baptized. 

  • must be currently enrolled and attending Religious Education classes (or enrolled in the Homeschool program)

  • should be regularly attending weekend Mass

  • must attend First Communion Prep I and II

  • First Communion interview must also be completed before First Communion is received





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